Tuesday 23 April 2019


Regulation - A rule or directive made and maintained by an authority.

What aspects of your lives do you think are governed by regulation?

Drinking age
Driving age
Age allowed to own a gun
Smoking age
The speed limit on cars
Employment law

Full name

The Exorsist
The Woman

This is England

Against 18-

There is offensive language in the scene of this is England when they rob the store however it doesn't endorse discrimination towards Pakistanis.

Violence is not detailed

People are not likely going to copy what they have done in the movie. If they do they most likely have previous criminal records or mental health issues so the movie is not to blame

Wednesday 13 March 2019


 Media Mythologies

Media Myths are commonly held beliefs, and they are used frequently to create a meaning in advertising.


Anchoring is where a image has a caption under neath it to "anchor it". If it doesn't have a caption the image could have multiple meanings.

Bleach Advert

Image result for bleach advertisement
The advertisement for a advert for bleach I would give of key messages such as Strength and power and present it with a super hero like superman this image has connotation which would give the audience a key message that it is super and the strongest bleach. Freshness, Cleanliness would be presented through the colour white or a shiny new appliance showing the strength of the bleach

Image result for toothpaste advert

 In this advert the use of a train represents how the toothpaste is fast acting. Words such as "leave" anchor the image down emphasizing how you leave the bleeding gums behind. Also the particle effect on the word behind also emphasis how you are

leaving the bad thing behind.


Image result for shampoo advertisement     The use of the popular football player attracts more male demographics as people may aspire to be like messi

Genre research task

Rags to Riches

The genre that i have chosen is Rags To Riches. Rags to Riches stories usually have happy endings, where a downtrodden character overcomes numerous obstacles and rises above his/her limitations. Common signifiers is where a man/woman starts of the story poor or with a bad situation and finishing higher up and more developed, however movies can subvert this expectation by having the character starting with everything and loosing it all and starting his/her way back up. A common signifier could contain foreshadowing of a evil company or entity that the character will have to prevent, or a poor character with no outlook in life that finds some light to a big life.

This genre can be mixed with many other genres as rag to riches is what happens to the character which can be told in many different ways eg a comedy and action. An action can involve revenge and and violence which allows him/her to get to the top. This can also be combined with fighting which can involve determination and revenge.

Film Language - Mise En Scene

Mise en scene

Is a french expression meaning "placing on stage" in film and audio-visual terms it means everything we see on the screen.

Elements of mise en scene:

  • Setting
  • Lighting and colour
  • Visual Effects
  • Props
  • Costume
  • Facial Expression
  • Body Language
  • Hair style and make-up
  • Positioning
Nothing on the screen has been place by accident 

Quentin Tarantino manipulates expectations through the use of setting in this extract by locating the setting in a church where it is commonly stereotyped with peace and hope also woman is dressed in white also signifying with peace and happiness. Tarantino flips this by having death and horror presented and men dressed in all black contrasting with the church.

Costume, Hair and make-up

  • Time Period-era, Class, Wealth, Education, Background, culture/location, characteristics. 

They act as an instant indicator to us of a characters personality, status and job. It tells us immediately whether the film is set in the present and what society/or culture it will center around.

Image result for jeans pngImage result for brown blazer pngImage result for brown pattern shirt png

Facial Expression and body language   17/01/19

Facial expressions provide a clear indication of what a character is thinking or feeling. Body language also provides information on how a character is feeling or aspects of their personalities but can be much more subtle than facial expressions.

For each of the following emotions explain how a character might express it through facial expression and body language:

Anger: Crossed arms
Shyness: Cover your face
Anxiety: Biting nails
Happiness: Smile
Excitement: Open arms in the air
Shock: Open mouth

Midway Task      18/01/19

Image result for big bang theory screenshot
In this shot from the Big Bang Theory we get to see each of the main characters sat together. The use of costume for each character provides the audience with important information about each of the characters.The main woman in the series penny leans into the negative tropes about women perpetuated by their male counterparts. Penny, an aspiring actress, a full-time waitress and the show’s resident “hot girl,” is constantly chided for being devoid of any real skill or intelligence. While she sometimes appears pissed off about the “dumb blonde” jokes, she still embodies the “hot dumb girl” role regularly.  Her stance in the image is flirty further enforcing the stereotypes.

Colour - Mise On Scene

Red: Passion, Lust/sex, Anger. hell, blood, Luxury, Christmas, fire, Ferrari, communism, romance
Yellow- Happines, jealousy, honor, freshness
White- Purity, dove, snow, goodness, innocence, cleanliness, 
Black- Death, unknown, fear, formality, power

In the wizard of Oz the use of colour is used all over, at the start of the film the use of no colours suggest blandness and mundane emphasising how her life as changed as she enters Oz. The main road is yellow suggesting joy and happiness however she finds danger along the road which the yellow may also suggest. 

Sound In Film Making


Sound in film making:

"sound" refers to everything we hear in a film- Words, sounds, effect and music.

Types of sounds:

Diegetic Sound- Sound whose source is visible on the screen or whose source is implied to be present by the action of the film

Voices of characters
Sounds made by objects in the story
Music represented as coming from the instruments in the story space

Non-Diegetic Sound - Sounds whose source is neither visible on the screen nor has been implied to be present in the action eg, Post productions

Narrators commentary
Soundeffects which is added for dramatic effect
mood music

Parallel Sound- Sound that fits the mood and suits the scene. Emphasises the scene and the emotions  e.g a happy music for laughing

Contrapunta sound- Sound that contradicts the scene its being inserted to. Contrasts with the action is used to make the audience feel a certain way.

Describing Sound-
Volume- Quite, loud
Pitch- High, low
Tempo- Fast, Slow

Shouting pippin

Commentary voice over
Sudden noises


Sound effects

Beeping of the heart rate

1) 10 CC - I'm not in love 
2)Ooh Child 

Cinematography + Homework


Cinematography features-

Camera Shots 
Camera Angles 
Camera Movements

Low angle  allows viewer to sympathise 

High angle emphasizes the fear


Key Light: Main light on which placement of all others is based. Usually the brightest.

Fill Light: Fills in the shadows created by key light. Eliminates dark shadows on the subject.

Back Light: Illuminates the back of the subject to create three dimensions. Subject will pop out from the background.

Background Light: Illuminates the background of the scene. Otherwise the subject will be well-lit on a dark set

The main point of the 4 point lighting system is to simulate 'natural' light and to replicate the lighting of any given.

High Key Lighting-
Bright surrounding light.
Does not create emotion or tension
Used for fashion shoots more and in non-fiction
Highlights colour, especially bright colours

Dont have to move lights
Saves money

Low Key Lighting
Eliminates fill light
Much bigger contrast between light and darkness
Creates mood/tension

Time Consuming having to move lights


High and Low Key Lighting

High Key lighting 

Image result for harry potter kings cross heaven In this scene high key lighting is used to make the scene look pure and clean signifying heaven or some place like that, also the use of many light removes all shadows to create a sense of safety and no evil around as shadows can connote to evil and danger, further letting the viewer know they are in a mystical place or heaven.

500 days with summer - The high key lighting used in this still image illuminates the background eliminating the back ground of the buildings, this gives the scenes of their own bubble in a world showing how nothing can interfere with their lives. However it could show how blurred they are from reality thinking that they cant be touched foreshadowing the eventual brake-up. 

Low Key Lighting 

Guardians Of The Galaxy - The use of low key lighting in this scene illuminates half of Thanos' face signifying how he is having to make a decision which he is split on giving him ambiguous motives.

The Exorcist- The use of low key lighting in this scene shows the priest from the back where he is a silhouette which signifies that he may have a dark past, also the house is fully surrounded in shadows which connotes that the house has an evil spirit. The lamp above the priest give him the sense of holy which is providing light to the house

Camera Shot 

A camera shot is the amount of space that is seen n one shot of frame. Camera shots are used to demonstrate different aspects of a film's setting, characters and themes. As a result, camera shots are very important in shaping meaning in a film.

Types of camera shots: 
Establishing Shot
Wide Shot
Mid Shot (Cowboy Shot)
Medium Close Up
Close Up
Extreme close up
Over the shoulder

Each of these sots is used for a different purpose and provides and provides the viewer a meaning.

Camera Angles

Camera angles also play an important part in the cinematography

Types of camera angles:
Birds eye view
Worms eye view
Low angle
High angle 
Eye level
Dutch Tilt 10

Cuts and Transitions (Homework)

Explain what the cuts or transition is 
Explain why its used
An examples from films or TV

Cut - A cut is where a camera angle is changed to a different camera angle
Its used to give the viewer another perspective on the seen 
Its used in almost every movie

Fade to/ From black- Transition from another scene or camera angle but more smoothly than a cut 
Its used to slow down the movie and give the viewer more time
Its also used in every movie

Wipe - Where one scene is replaced by another shot by sliding across the screen
Its used to show that the scene is in a different place

Dissolve - Transition where one scene covers another slowly fading over it
It can be used to show time has passed or there is similarities between the 2 characters

Whip Pan - Where the pan shot transitions so fast that blurs appear 
Used to show the passage of time or fast paced action 

Cutaways - Interruption of a scene 
Surprise the viewer with a different scene and  can give the viewer insight to a characters thoughts

Image result for family guy iraq lobster

Jump Cut - 
n which two sequential shots of the same subject are taken from camera positions that vary only slightly if at all.
This type of edit gives the effect of jumping forwards in time.

Cutting an action - 
Where the camera is moved as action happens
speeds up the scene and can cut of gruesome parts.

Cross Out - 

Graphic match or match out - graphic match (as opposed to a graphic contrast or collision) occurs when the shapes, colors and/or overall movement of two shots match in composition
Allows for a smooth transition between two transitions

J-Cut - J cut is a variant of a split edit film editing technique in which the audio from a following scene overlaps the picture from the preceding scene
Allow an editor break a conversation and create a more natural flow
Most movies use in general conversations and can be used for flashbacks/dreams

L-Cut -An L cut is a variant of a split edit film editing technique in which the audio from preceding scene overlaps the picture from the following scene
Allow an editor break a conversation and create a more natural flow.
Most movies use in general conversations and can be used for flashbacks/dreams

Monday 26 November 2018

Advertisements Analysis

The image shows a revolver with cigarettes loaded in as ammo. The connotations of the gun show how cigarettes kills. It will remind people when they pull a cigarette it is like loading a gun,  and after enough it will you, showing the lethality of a cigarette. The gun is also a revolver which may remind people of the game Russian Roulette presenting smoking as a gamble that may kill you.

The advertisement depicts Marylyn Monroe in a bright sparkling dress drinking a CocaCola. The use of the colour red presents passion and love making people relate coke with that. They also grey scale everything apart from the red highlighting the red further emphasizing the meanings.

The photo depicts a snake aboutto attack a person that is googling how to dodge a snakebite.
The use of the snake make people think of venom and danger also they show the colour green much more than any colour which has connotations of venom and brightly coloured snakes are usually dangerous.